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PR Tip of the Week

Grow Your Numbers on Instagram with One Follow

Trying to grow your Instagram channel can be an incredibly time-consuming and frustrating business. If you’re putting in the effort and time but not seeing the growth, following Adam Mosseri, the Head of Instagram, could be the game-changer you need. Adam isn't just another influencer (although he does have 2.6m followers - easy for him, right?!); he's the person shaping the platform's algorithm, features, and policies—giving him the insider's view on what works and what doesn't. By following his Instagram account, you'll gain direct insights on how to boost your follower count, engagement, and reach, how to shape your content, what features to focus on, as well as case studies of accounts he loves and rates - and they aren't the accounts with the biggest numbers. What makes Adam easy to follow is his approachable style—he doesn't overwhelm you with tech jargon, addresses user concerns openly, and regularly shares actionable tips on how brands can thrive on Instagram, and he seems genuine - like he's on your side and wants you to do well. Staying in the loop with Adam's updates will enable you to stay ahead of the platform's changes and fine-tune your strategy to effectively grow your brand's presence without wasting more time. 

Here are some of Adam's posts that I found particularly helpful and insightful:

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